Please join NIA – Membership Form
We have lots of fun together and weave together a fabric of community beyond individual congregations and faiths. Members share their benefits and share in the good work of producing, promoting, and leading NIA events. When you become inter-religious friends with diverse spiritual leaders you grow and mentor naturally.
Join Today
$50 dues
- A Full Member is a clergy leader or lay representative designated by a religious/spiritual/faith institution regardless of faith, creed or belief. The institution may be:
- A denomination, community, association, corporation, congregation, society, partnership, etc.
- Or an individual clergy person unaffiliated with a religious institution, e.g., a retired minister, a chaplain, ordained person, et al.
- A full member is expected to be active in supporting and promoting its purpose.
- A full member may vote in general elections of NIA.* A full member is eligible to run for board position and hold office.
- A full member may chair or serve on committees, task forces or other bodies formed by NIA.
A full member may be entitled to use the NIA newsletter, blog, and calendar according to policy.
ANNUAL DUES: $25- An Associate Member is a clergy person, representative, agent of or religious or lay member associated with a religious/spiritual/faith institution regardless of faith, creed or belief. The institution may be:
- A community, association, corporation, congregation, society, partnership, etc.
- Or an individual clergy person unaffiliated with a religious institution, e.g., a retired minister, a chaplain, ordained person, et al.
- An associate member is expected to participate and support the purpose NIA.
- An associate member is non-voting and iis not eligible to run for board position or hold office.
- An associate member may chair or serve on committees, task forces or other bodies formed by NIA.
- An associate may be entitled to use the NIA newsletter, blog, and calendar.
An Affiliate is any person individually or representing any non- religious/spiritual/faith organization (for profit or non-profit) who supports the NIA.- An affiliate is expected to provide input, participation, and support of the purpose NIA and further its existence.
- An affiliate is free
- An affiliate is non-voting. not eligible to run for board position or hold office
- An affiliate may chair or serve on committees, task forces or other bodies formed by NIA.
*NOTE: The designated full member of the religious/spiritual/faith institution shall be entitled to vote. In instances where there is a co-leader, e.g., co-pastor or co-rabbi, or when the institution has equal religious and lay co-leadership, each person (if the institution designates) may hold full membership and therefore each be entitled to vote with approval of the Coordinating Council. In this instance, the co- membership requires only one dues payment/yr. In instances where the entity has multiple officially designated congregations, parishes, stakes, communities, temples, etc., each shall be entitled to be represented in NIA with its own designated leader or representative, according to the preference and structure of the religious/spiritual/faith entity. Each should pay dues separately.
For religious/spiritual/faith institution or individually autonomous entity (parish, stake, congregation, etc.):
- 100 or fewer members: 1 vote unless a co-leader is approved by Coordinating Council
- 101-250 members: 2 full members may be designated each to pay dues separately
- More than 250: 3 full members may be designated each to pay dues separately
Membership number pertains to the sole institution or individually autonomous entity (parish, stake, congregation, etc.) existing and operating within NIA’s sphere, and not representative of amalgamated membership numbers.
Unaffiliated and retired clergy who are full members may each have one vote. Dues are individual.
Any religious/spiritual/faith institution may invite other members in addition to the designated full member(s) – whether clergy or lay persons — to join NIA as non-voting Associate Members. Each must pay dues separately.