A Clarification on NIA’s Political Positions

A Clarification on NIA’s Political Positions

To: Nevada Interfaith Association
From: Nevada Interfaith Association’s President

Nevada Interfaith Association’s goal continues to be to promote a favorable climate for diverse religious expression. We have operated successfully as a varied religious body for many years. As an organized multi-faith community we pray for the leaders of our city and state communities.

We are aware of many varied political opinions in this unsettled time. We do not support nor subscribe to a political bent, nor do we circulate or distribute to our membership and mailing list any who would desire to use our email platform for that purpose. 

Our mission continues: “The Nevada Interfaith Association (NIA) fosters the sharing of information among all faiths, advancing multi-faith participation and promoting a climate favorable to diverse religious expression in Nevada. NIA upholds religious freedom and liberty in Nevada under the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Accordingly, NIA offers the service of forwarding information from members, associates, and affiliates to the NIA email listserv. Emails that are not contrary to NIA’s purpose will be transmitted but must not be political in nature.

Messages that are demeaning, hateful or unkind will not be transmitted to the listserv. NIA reserves the right to decline to forward an email that does not meet the above stated criteria as determined by NIA officers under their complete discretion.  Finally, by this email, NIA neither endorses or supports the organization originating the contents of this email. Therefore, NIA takes no responsibility for the message and opinions disclosed by the original sender.

Letter from Nevada Interfaith Association on Discrimination and Social Injustice

Letter from Nevada Interfaith Association on Discrimination and Social Injustice

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) “By love alone is hatred ended, this is an eternal law.“ (Dhammapada 1:5)

Statement Against Discrimination and Injustice

As people of faith we condemn in the strongest terms the brutal murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week. We stand together and open our hearts to the suffering of our brothers. We want everyone who reads this to know, “Your life matters to us!” We work for justice through education, prayer, and reconciliation. We will not stop until there is justice for all people.

The deeper pain, however, is that this was not an isolated incident. Breonna Taylor, an EMT, was shot by Louisville Police officers serving a “no-knock warrant” (March 13, 2020). Dreasjon Reed, of Indianapolis was shot by an Indianapolis Police officer (May 6, 2020). And now George Floyd has been killed by police in Minneapolis while begging for his life (May 25, 2020). It’s not just history, but it has sadly become a part of the fabric of American life.

We are people of faith. Commitment to racial justice and reconciliation is embedded in our identity as spiritual people. This good work is happening in communities of faith. Now more than ever, it is our duty to champion justice. We also champion peace and support peaceful protest with its outpouring of accumulated frustration. For too long it has seemed that few cared when another black, brown or poor life was snuffed out. We seek true and sustained justice.

This must be sustained even when racist violence and police brutality are no longer front page news. Even when the work is not fashionable, ever difficult, and we are utterly alone. Putting our faith into action, despite color, class, or caste, is difficult. We pledge to continue until no one is degraded and disrespected by anybody. We will continue until this ultimate dream is realized. Violence against even one child of Earth cannot be condoned.

We follow another way … the way of love. Love is action as well as attitude. Love seeks the good, the well-being, and the welfare of others as well as one’s self. Out of love we listen and learn from marginalized communities, who are often suppressed. We call on all faith leaders to incorporate this grand vision of justice into personal and community prayer life, and to constructively engage in advocacy and public witness of our brothers and sisters who suffer.

Opening and changing hearts does not happen overnight. Our spiritual work is not a sprint, but a marathon. Our prayer and work for justice, healing and truth-telling must be unceasing. Let us all recommit ourselves to following the teachings and values of our faith communities and lead the way to healing, justice and love.

Nevada Interfaith Association Coordinating Council,

Lord of Mercy Lutheran Church, Rev. Sarah Johnson, NIA President and Pastor, Sparks, NV
A Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Pat Meidell, NIA Treasurer
A Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Pam Kellerstrass, NIA Sec
Sherman Baker, Chaplain (Colonel) Retired US Army
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Rev. Dr. William L. Stomski, Dean, Reno, NV
St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral, Father Chuck Durante, Rector, Reno, NV
Reno Buddhist Center, Rev. Matthew Fisher, Resident Priest, Reno, NV
Northern Nevada Muslim Community, Dr. Sherif Elfass, President, Sparks, NV
Hindu statesman, Rajan Zed, Reno, NV
Baha’I, Dr Bradley Corbin


Nevada Interfaith Association Coordinating Council

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community Sunday Morning Offering

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community Sunday Morning Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Sunday Morning Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334

From the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible we have these words from the Prophet Jeremiah: “…the Lord says, who formed me in the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob back to him, and that Israel might be gathered to him, for I am honored in the sight of the Lord, and my God has become my  strength,…” 

In these days of the Pandemic with the coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic we are very much aware of our fears, but more so, of our mortality. The Christian Church at this moment are in the final days of Lent, a season of penitential introspection and actions as we are reminded that the season began some 40 days prior with Ash Wednesday. The beginning of Lent was observed with ashes being placed on our foreheads with the words: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Lent is a season that immediately strikes us with the reality of our own mortality.

But this is not a time of fear. Rather it is a challenge to seek the goodness that God has endowed us to have. We are nothing outside of the One who created us and breathed life into us. This is the Lord who gives and takes away, for we are created in God’s divine image to be God’s living presence with this earthly pilgrimage. When we pass from this world we die to this world, but not to life; we are simply changed and come into a new life in and through our God and Creator. This is what gives us the ability to know that no evil, even death, will have the victory. It is with such hope, grace and love that we are a “resurrection people,” able to love and support one another during good and bad times. Amen.

Submitted by the Very Rev. Dr. William L. Stomski

Dean and Rector, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community Saturday Afternoon Offering

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community Saturday Afternoon Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System


Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Saturday Afternoon Offering 

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334

God of wisdom, bless medical scientists and researchers around the world with insight and skill, dedication and fortitude, as they combat coronavirus, so that their work yields knowledge and understanding, speedily finding a vaccine, treatments and deterrents to its spread.  Grant public health and government officials the strength to act swiftly and decisively, with compassion and understanding,  In service to humankind, fighting this outbreak and the other diseases that still plague the planet, diseases threatening the lives of our brothers and sisters, nations and communities, young and old. Rock of Ages, bring an end to disease and suffering, so that all may know Your compassion and Your grace, we pray. Amen.

Submitted by Chaplain Sherman Baker

Chief, Chaplain Service

VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community Saturday Morning Offering

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community Saturday Morning Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: Spiritual Center, Renown Health


Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Saturday Morning Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334

Blessed are the ones who cannot be isolated.

Blessed are the doctors, nurses, chaplains, and hospital staff.

Blessed are the hands that are raw from scrubbing and sanitizing.

Blessed are the shoulders that carry the weight of life and death.

Blessed are the feet that are aching from standing at bedside and running between rooms.

Blessed are the hearts that are frightened and breaking.

Blessed are the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers, partners and friends who cannot go home.

Blessed are those who sacrifice their own comfort so that we need not be alone in our suffering.

Blessed are those who look upon this sacred work as gift.

Blessed are those who have had enough.

Blessed are those who are overwhelmed.

Blessed are those who lack the space to process all that lies ahead.

Blessed are those weeping in secret corners of an emergency room so that we might see a strong face to meet our need.

Blessed are those who weep openly with us, so that even our tears have companions.

Blessed are you, O God: quietly holding each one of us along the way.

Adapted from ” A Blessing for Healthcare Workers in a Time of Pandemic”

from St Mary’s College in Indiana

God our Sanctuary, gather us when separated into your presence.

God our Physician, heal those who have contracted the virus.

God our Comforter, embrace all who mourn the dead.

God our Homeland, sustain all who are quarantined.

God our Friend, accompany all who are alone or afraid.

God our Guardian, protect physicians and nurses.

God our Hope, assist researchers searching for a vaccine.

God our Mighty Fortress, preserve our societies from devastation.

God our Governor, guide the leaders of nations toward wise policies.

God of Everlasting Arms, in you we live and move and have our being.

God our Creator, make once again a world of sabbath rest.

God our Savior, redeem the suffering world by your cross.

God our Light, shine your radiant peace into our darkness.

Adapted from “O God in our global distress”

by Gail Ramshaw

Submitted by Rev. Brent Hoy-Bianchi

Chaplain, Renown Health

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Friday Afternoon Offering

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Friday Afternoon Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: Native American Community

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Friday Afternoon Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334


Dear God, Creator of all creation,

At times we are obstructed to pray. For we do not know where to begin. We wait on your guidance and illumination. During this time of a destructive pandemic, everyone is affected. We come to realize how interconnected we are one to another. We pause to realize the fragility of our existence. The relationships with nature, animals – our pets, ecologically – within our home, workplace, places of worship, and everyday gatherings. Our safe spaces have become places of concern and deliberation, may we find refuge in the secret place of the most high.

In these trying times of uncertainty, let us give thanks for all of Gods provision. We are grateful for clean air, clean water, and the land that sustains us. We are grateful for the relatives among us. We give thanks with a joyful heart for peace and comfort. Our admission of thanksgiving that we may, in turn, be able to give to others in their time of distress. We thank you for your Holy Spirit that is our Paracletus – comforter. Your blessings extends through us toward others in every way: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually; holistically allow us to be image bearers of hope, faith, and charitable love.

We humble ourselves before your sight, we speak healing and restoration. We extend a petition of prayers spread as a woven blanket over humanity. We lift prayers to individuals, as well communities, as well as countries and nations. We pray for leaders in high positions and servants in meek service. Yet open our eyes that each are equal in gifting and talent essential for tasks set before them. As we grow closer to you allowing us to grow closer to one another.

Entrusted to the Almighty, your Kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yeshua -JesuChristo you are our all in all, Great Physician, Prince of Peace, Mighty Counselor, Lord and Saviour. In you name we pray. All Benevolent Father,Son. and Holy Ghost- Divine Trinity.


Submitted by: 

Reverend Augustin Jorquez

Chaplain/Missionary, Pastor of Hungry Valley Christian Fellowship


Embracing Community During Covid-19 Friday Morning Offering

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Friday Morning Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada


Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Friday Morning Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334

Spirit of Life and Love, Mystery of All,

We give thanks for the gifts of life, beauty, and joy even in these difficult times.

May our hearts be open to finding compassion for ourselves, our companions, and strangers. 

We pray for those who are sick that they might find healing and comfort. We pray for all medical workers who are putting themselves at risk on the front lines of this pandemic.

We pray for the leadership of our country, state, and community that they will have the fortitude to make 

the difficult decisions that will help eradicate the virus.

We pray for those working on vaccines and treatments, that they might find wisdom and stamina for their work.

We pray that everyone will shelter in place in order to take care of everyone else.

May this extraordinary time bring about transformation for humanity and our earth. Amen.


Submitted by Rev. Karen Foster

Minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Thursday Afternoon Offering

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Thursday Afternoon Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Public Affairs


Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Thursday Afternoon Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334

Today we face a pandemic that unites our Northern Nevada interfaith community. We come to God from all religions and pray in our own way to a Heavenly Father who loves us. Our prayers are prayers of hope, prayers of faith, prayers to overcome fear believing that we are not alone because we know He will not desert us.

This morning I had a coworker share that she had great fear. Her eyes were filled with tears as she explained her personal circumstance with a daughter in New York and the many things that she felt helpless to do anything about.

I thought of Job in the Old Testament. In his many trials, he turned to God and was given peace.  Job 22:21, “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” Through prayer comfort is given, through prayer we receive peace, through prayer our relationship to God is strengthened so that we may find “shelter” from any storms that may come.

As we all hunker down and do what our government officials ask us to do, we are told to “shelter in place.” As good Washoe County citizens, we physically stay at home. But there’s a spiritual component to “sheltering in place.”

In Psalm 61:1-4 we read, look to God for “shelter.”

“Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.

“From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed

“Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

“For thou hast been a shelter for me and a strong tower from the enemy. 

“I will abide in thy tabernacle forever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings.”

May we “acquaint ourselves with Him” finding shelter from the storm and peace in the only place where true peace is found. 


Pamela Kellerstrass

NIA Prayer Breakfast Coordinator

Public Affairs Interfaith Specialist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Thursday Morning Offering

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Thursday Morning Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association

From: Pagan Community

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Thursday Morning Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334


May the Sun

Bring you new energy by Day

May the Moon

Softly restore you by Night

May the Rain

Wash away you worries

May the Breeze

Blow away Negativity

May you walk

Gently through life and know

its beauty all the days of your life.


Submitted by Ellyn Darrah

Children of Temple Earth

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Wednesday Afternoon Offering

Embracing Community During Covid-19 Wednesday Afternoon Offering

To: Nevada Interfaith Association
From: Northern Nevada Muslim Community

Embracing Community In Prayer During Covid-19 

Offerings from Northern Nevada’s Interfaith Community

Wednesday Afternoon Offering

Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/444889902987334

Supplication for protection against diseases and pandemic

Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the universe and peace and blessings upon His Prophet Muhammad PBUH).

O’ Allah, we thank you for all the blessings You have bestowed upon us. We seek Your forgiveness and our well-being in this world and the Hereafter.

O’ Allah, Lord of the dominion over everything, we seek your protection from all evil.

O’ Allah, Lord of the heavens and the earth, Lord of the Magnificent Throne, Splitter of the grain and revealer of Torah, Injil and Quran, we seek refuge in Your complete words from the evil of everything. We ask You to shield us from the affliction, the epidemic and the tribulation and protect us, our families and our country.

O’ Allah, we ask You to open to us from the treasures of Your mercy what can cure us from every disease.

O’ Allah, Lord of mankind, remove the harm and cure the sick, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure which does not leave any disease behind.

O’ Allah, Lord of knowledge and power, lead the researchers and the doctors to find the cure for this disease.

O’ Allah, Lord of wisdom and compassion, give those in charge the wisdom and leadership to navigate us away from harm’s way. Let them render companionate and justice to all people. Let Your righteousness fills our nation

O’ Allah, Lord of hope and glory, do not let our fear overcome our hope. Do not let our souls cripple by despair. Be our source of hope and guidance during all times.


Submitted by Mustafa Hadj Nacer

Northern Nevada Muslim Community